Every action means a choice 每个行动都意味着一个选择
Every action means a choice. No pains, no gains. Sow in spring and reap in autumn. To be a cultivator. Sow hope, work hard and stay patient. 每个行动都意味着一个选择。 不劳不获,春种秋收。做一个耕种者,播种希望,努力工作,保持耐心。
Every action means a choice. Act boldly and explore bravely. Keep open to the new possibility and form a new view. 每个行动都意味着一个选择。大胆行动,勇敢探索。向新的可能性敞开, 形成新的视角。
Every action means a choice. Keep acting towards the right direction. Work hard,build up your strength and get closer to your dream. 每个行动都意味着一个选择。向着正确的方向,持续行动。努力学习,增强实力,向梦想靠近。
every action means a choice. Take action actively and make choices freely. During your whole life,all the stories belong to you and can be reconstructed by you freely. 每个行动都意味着一个选择。积极行动,自由选择。在你的一生中,所有的故事都属于你,任由你自由重构。