The English term for the number 7 is "seven." Pronounced as 'sev(?)n in British English and 's?vn in American English, the word "seven" serves as both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, it refers to the quantity of seven, while as an adjective, it describes something that is related to the number seven. Additionally, "Seven" can be a personal name in some cultures, such as in Turkey and Azerbaijan, where it is pronounced as "Sev" or "Sven" in Turkey.
Vocabulary Combinations
Here are some common phrases and terms that include the word "seven":
Seven Seas: Refers to the seven major oceans of the world. Seven Sisters: A term used for the Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters. Seventy times seven: An expression indicating a very large number. On cloud seven: A phrase used to describe someone who is extremely happy. Seven Wonders of the World: The ancient list of remarkable constructions.Related Words
Below are synonyms and related terms for the number seven:
Septenary: An adjective meaning "of seven" and a noun referring to a group of seven. Pronounced as 'sept?n?r? in British English and 'sept??ner? in American English. It can also refer to a system or process involving seven elements, such as a computer-controlled system for a seven-stand tandem mill. Hepta: A prefix indicating "seven" or "containing seven." Pronounced as 'hept? in both British and American English. It is used in various technical and scientific contexts, such as in the design of a seven-term polynomial for diesel engine cam profiles using MATLAB.本站(www.100xue.net)部分图文转自网络,刊登本文仅为传播信息之用,绝不代表赞同其观点或担保其真实性。若有来源标注错误或侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者持权属证明与本网联系(底部邮箱),我们将及时更正、删除,谢谢