爱学习 | 爱生活


发布于:百学网 2020-05-07


  截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到97份预录取通知书(含9份直录)。其中英国48份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国6份,加拿大3份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。


  Yesterday afternoon, Liu Changhua, member of the Standing Committee and head of the Organization Department of Wanli District, and his party came to Teensen Genesis School for guiding the school construction. Relevant leaders of Wanli District Housing and Construction Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Education Bureau, street office, water company and other units accompanied the investigation.



  Accompanied by Principal Liu He, Liu Changhua and his party went into the school, inspected the construction on the spot, inquired about the progress of the project and the difficulties in the construction, and listened to the report of Principal Liu He on the progress of the project. Minister Liu fully affirmed the campus construction of Teensen Genesis School. As a major education project in the area of people's livelihood in Wanli District, Teensen Genesis School will greatly improve the popularity and education level of Wanli District. At the same time, Minister Liu suggested that Teensen Genesis School could integrate more characteristics of international school when building the surrounding environment of the campus.



  Minister Liu listened to Principal Liu's report in detail about the existing difficulties in construction, enrollment, talent introduction and other aspects of the school. In view of the difficulties encountered by the school at present, Minister Liu urged the school to strictly control the quality. For the talent introduction request put forward by the school, Minister Liu said that on the basis of Nanchang’s talent introduction policy, the introduction method of excellent education talents in Wanli District can be superimposed.



  Since the transformation and upgrading of the new campus, leaders at all levels have attached great importance to the construction of the new campus. With the full support of all parties, Teensen Genesis School will be able to keep moving forward, build a high-quality education brand and become a beautiful 2card of Wanli Dist.



  撰写:Jane 肖 依

  编辑:Wendy 贾西贝

  翻译:Sydia 熊文琪

  剪辑: Louis 胡 猜

  Leo 罗 睿

  朗读: Lucas 高旭东

  主编:Johnson 张世霖

  总编:Gary 高 陆

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